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China Recreational Sports provides a fun and enriching experience for children who want to play soccer and basketball. Children who are currently enrolled in Pre-K through grade 6 during the season are welcome to register.


China Rec Sports operates solely by the dedication of parent volunteers. Parents are always needed to fill board seats, which open up each year, coaching, assisting coaching and refereeing positions. Please visit our volunteer page for more information.

About China Rec
About China Rec

Important Notice to Rec Soccer Parents!


Due to the new requirement that the board carry insurance, and provide that insurance to the town, the fees for our sports will be going up $5 across the board to offset the cost of purchasing the insurance policy.


New fee schedule starting with the 2019 season:

Registration for the first child $25, second child $20 - however, if you have more than two children we are capping the cost at $45 for a family. This will still include the uniform shirts of course.

Coach volunteers also still get 1 free registration per season/sport.

Since we are amidst our 2019 soccer registrations, parents who have already paid the previous fees will be grandfathered in this year.


***IF YOU STILL HAVE NOT REGISTERED, GET YOUR REGISTRATION TO ME BY THIS FRIDAY (8/9/19), OR DROP IT AT THE TOWN OFFICE BY FRIDAY (8/9/19) AND I WILL ACCEPT THE PREVIOUS REGISTRATION FEES. Previous registration fees are listed on the current registration, keep in mind there is no family cost cap on the old fee schedule.**

Also changing will be the deadline for turning in your registrations to me. Any registrations turned in after August 23 will be considered late and will incur the usual $5 late fee. This is to ensure I am able to get teams organized and in to Dirigo in time.


China Recreational Sports provides a fun and enriching experience for children who want to play soccer and basketball. We teach skills, the rules of the games and sportsmanship. Playing in recreational sports helps get children ready to join the school teams when they reach 6th grade.


Children who are currently enrolled in Pre-K through grade 6 during the season are welcome to register.


China Rec Sports operates solely by the dedication of parent volunteers. Parents are always needed to fill board seats, coaching, assisting coaching and refereeing positions. Each of these positions opens each year. Please visit our volunteer page for more information.


Soccer season generally begins the first week of school, and ends the last week of October each year. Soccer season typically includes playoffs for grades 3 and up, and are generally played the last weekend in October.


For more important dates and more information, click the link below.


In order to bring Dirigo Rec Basketball in line with a more traditional time frame, the season will be beginning about a month earlier than in years past. Practices will begin the second week in November and games on the second weekend in December. The season will wrap up the second weekend in February with playoffs and leave February and March as free months before spring sports. In the past, practices began in December with games not commencing until January with the season not wrapping up until the first weekend in March.


For important dates and more information, click the button below.


Volunteers are always needed and China Rec Sports would not exist without the dedicated parents who make each season possible. If you are interested in volunteering your time, or donating money, please follow the link below for more information.

Feel free to reach out with any questions.
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